
Myna, aku && eyla dudo at library cause study sivik kd sne. then sudden, idk where the voice such like a frog come from tetibe sound-sound mcm org gila. haish! then myna kate. tu msti N*** tu. then i jst like gosh! apa la prob dorg na sound-sound. mcm apee je pangai. org ta kcau hdp dorg pn ken? eyuww dasar unmatured. then myna && tosey ajk round-round sch cause mls nk bljr sivik. okay round-round then sje tayang muke kd class N*** tu. swear to god kteorg jst lalu je whtout voice. then ta tau suare katak mne tetibe ckp 'F3 F3 ni menyemak je' woish! bhbi giye. jst lalu je kod. ape kaw pkr jln tu bpk nenet kaw pnye smpai na sound sound. budo punye katak kodok. then kteorg wait smpai teacher class tu out then patah-balik class tu cause na tgk mulud siapa yg mcm puaka tu. dudo dudo dpn class 4S then dgr lagi mulud katak-katak m'sound-sound plus kutok-kutok. wosh how dare. berani meh hadap depan la bhbi. apa da hal kutok belakang-belakang. seriously, rude doe. then sudden myna && aku trs msk class katak-katak tu. myna sound-sound until she lost a word. wahh Bravo. haha. that night one of them text myna && eyla story sp yg start dlu sume. cause si N*** tu jaja cerita kte aku yg start dlu. oh mothafucka kaw hek. bila aku start dlu weh katak? bhbi gila. betalam-talam mntk sympathy kd org ye cikaro? wahh baek punye pragai serupa kaw pnye BRG duhh. hait-tuih! & fyi cikaro, mber mber sehidup semati kaw tu pun ta suka kaw la weh. dorg siap text kata mmg kaw yg start dlu thu? itu ke nme nye kawan sehidup semati. oh god pls la.&& ade lagii ni cite, mber mber katak tu text myna or eyla, ta sure. kate suro kteorg respect dorg then bru dorg respect kteorg. oh bitch. i dont need your respect la lancauu. hadap sgd ke dng respect kaw tu? eh cikaro cikaro katak sekalian, bkn kteorg je yg ta suka kaww, whole sch tu pn ta suke kodd. tegedik sane tegedik sini. pkr org suke laa. eyuww unmatured person!