

Today after meet dye sehari suntuk aku crying. really. without change my uniform trs campak beg call dye. gosh! he never pick up. cn you believe it tht?  bhbi anjeng setan weh! ergh flashback. okay i just can cry-ing. nothing i can do. bnde da jd. yea, but pls be responsible siked. i knw im not your gf or wht. but pls la aprriciate la siked ape aku da buad. i never crying like ths before. im crying just because of youuuuu. dnt you knw tht? call honeystar. she said in 20min somthng arrive. wait wait until 30min ta arrive arrive. hesh janji melayu. serious. benciii gile bhbi pukima haram gile kd sume org tyme tu. everyone fool! hait-tuih! bhbi! ha sial ken. mampuih la. hey if you asking wht the most date that i really hate? i will say it today ! aku ken da sayangg kaw ken? kaw buad aku mcm ni ken. fine. go-to-hell! i dnt need you. ignore me & leave me aloneee! then then around 6 somethng honeystar arrived. all out sume kd honeystar. then dye pn grm dgr story tu aku lg plus plus geram weh. pity me :( then honeystar suro call dia. but im afraid to tell him the truth. call dia, dia pick up. bru bgn tido la konon. ye la tu bru bgn. weak hait-tuih la weh! then start story kd dye. then one word tu dye ckp giye heartfeeling. hesh im sensetif person! dnt you knw tht. trs ltk. idk, i jst thnk tht im unimportant for him. then he call for many times aku pick up aku ltk aku pick aku ltk. weak! dude im heartfeeling rite nw bhbi. then he texting me. he asking itu ini. then i just answer & makihamun dye. ye la da bengang en ==' he asking for forgiveness. wtv! saked hati ni. mampuih kaw. then he said 'hm lps ni ta yh jmpe da la' hm oky. nvm. as long as i still in your mind. i will be oky.  ykw, i will missing you. pls dnt evr replace me wth another tau. i  you really. but did you love me like i do? *wonder tht )':