Tadi bukak puasa last minute makan Mcdonald at Mid dengan jsh and asyd. nampak orang beli happy meal. pffft alaaa Ayieeeeeeeeee :/ 

Dulu kalau jumpa Ayie ta perfect date tu kalau kiteorg ta prgi mcD. turun je Supersunday cmfrm prgi mcD. Pergi mcD cmfrm beli Happy Meal nd McFlurry. hahaha!

Damn, I starting miss to see he's smile when bought Happy Meal and ate McFlurry together with him. Peh i miss the old you. I miss went to Mcdonald while sitting beside you. Ahhhh, I fell safety truly :' 

Ayie ayie, you dgr tak I rendu nk pergi nak prgi McD dgn you la gile? :/

Well, I just flashback the past. I dont mean anythng. You happy, I more happy. She pretty can make you happy as well than me. I knw she can :) I'll pray for your happiness.

Night, Toodles love.