Hr ni aku ta pegy sch. #malas. jsh eyka syda choi asyd ta pegy sch. pg pg ayh da kejut 'angh, bgn prgi skola'. argh mls. aku wt dek. ambk bntl ttup tinga. pfft bsg. for the second time 'angh. bgn. ta nk prgi sch ke?'. k aku bgn. 'ayh, ta nk prgi sch' fuoh goyang jantung ayh tny knp tk nk prgi sch. haha. for sure, ayh mmg ta suke sgd aku skip. hihik. aku pn dgn slmbe mnipu. bju krs hlg enth mne. wtlek. haha. then aku tdo blk. enyel da prgi sch. ayh kejut lg. 'eh angh btl btl ke ni ta nk prgi sch?' heh btl  ayh. ngntok. bju krs pn ta de, nt kne rotan #menipu. ayh diam, trs msuk bilik. aku pn da dpt green lght. ape lg en cntinue ah tdo blk. isayman aku mls, mls btl. haha.

pkl 8 aku bgn. aku txt jsh 'aku ta prgi sch'. txt txt, aku tetido blk. haha. morron. pkl 11 bru aku bgn. jsh bsg, shh offphne. ye ah hr ni dorg pny 3years annyvrsy. fuoh lame kn. heh congrats you guys. aku txt shh. around 10min smthng. shh cll. plan psl dorg pny annyvrsry sume. da tu jsh touching la ape la. biase ah gado gado mnje dorg. hihik. shh da grk shh cll aku plan lg. adeh minah sorg ni, nervous dye bkn main. mcm frst time smbut annyvrsry plk. haha.

shh smpai central, cll aku lg. aimaklumla cll free. ape enta yg unyouthclub nmber dorg dpt hot tcket free heh? enta ah. shh cll, dye ckp ta thu nk plh bunge mane malu la ape la. heh kaw kalau ade dpn aku da lme aku picit picit brease kaw shh. haha. lastly dye beli 5roses wth teddy & ferero rocher. peh sweet. heh tingad ayie bg 3 pink roses mase prupose dulu. #damn miss :' 

shh da tggu bus dtg sini, aku cpd cpd shower then tggu shh kd blok a. fuoh dye dgn bag plastic bunga dye bejalan dengan lenggang lengguk bersama senyuman tidak lekang di bibir. haha. smpai smpai trs ckp 'frh aku sgn. bole tak bunga ni kaw yg bg. aku nk blk'. hihik. fucuk ah kaw shh, fucuk! aku pn bg ah kata kata smgt en. cool shh coll. practice practice mcm mne nk bg flowers tu kd jsh around 10min ah jgk. haha. morron ah kaw shh.

naik flat jsh. trun tgkt 13. ape motif pn aku ta thu la --' #rmh jsh tgkt 14. smpai dpn pntu. shh da nervous gile babi. aku tukang record. huh tp badness nya, aku ta save video tu. hp experia bhai. wa mne reti guna. haha. maaf! and for sure, jsh teharu gila atoto sweet nya korg. jealous k. then mkn jp cake yg aku buad dgn jsh. cll asyd ajk dtg mkn cake. tp enta dye ckp aku mrh dye, dye ta nk dtg. mmg aku mrh pn weh >,< then siap siap prgi mid. mkn. lapa sgd. bfore tht smpt ah jgk kteorg sharing ferero rocher. cheers for the annivrsry babe.

smpai lrt bngsa. shh da beli sndwich dulu da. hemm lapa sgd da shh tu --' smpai mid, mkn dulu. 3 3 org lapa aym. then decide mkn kfc. shh blnja. haha. thnks shh. then a'an cll. die pn kd mid wth his family tgk movie. then dye trun kfc. meet kejap. pkl 5 movie dye start #miss. hihik. mkn mkn mkn. then round round mid. prgi living cabin. firstly nk prgi action city nk beli angry bird sbrnya. tp enta mcm mna bole stuck kd situ --'

msuk living cabin shh ckp 'present d, d nk pilih sndri la my' haha. amboi. present mane bole mntk shh. kd living cabin shh beli kn jsh teddy. ala sweet. cute. then shawn da call call na pick up shh prgi stor mcD. kteorg pn rushing blk. tggu bus pn ta de ah lme mne. smpai smpai shawn da kd bwh. nek ats jp tuka bju ape sume. jamah 2 3 forero rocher. then trn bwh, lme sgd shawn tggu. lpk lpk bwh tgkp gmba bodo bodo piggie. haha. sakai! ape virus piggie enta aku dpt. dr tggu lift buad suare piggie ja. haha. myb tgk angry birds piggie shh cute sgd kod. hihik. #oink oink ^oo^  

Happy 3years Annivrsry, Shh Jsh

shh da blk. pegy beli mknn dek ann blk rmh aku jp. ayh da cll. kms rmh sikit. da tu turun blk. ambk mknn dek ann then lepak minum char kuew tiaw. enta mamat kd situ mcm batak nmpk pmpn. hey middle finger up bitches! --' then prgi rmh jsh. lepak lepak. tolong dek ann colour drawing dye. hihik comel. nt upload gmba drawing tu k ;p colour colour colour. 10:30 da aku blk. then onl, bloggin & nw i was on call with a'an. His friend got hottcket extra crdt :) kciao. thanks for readings. nght.